Dynamic Column Values for

Transform your monday.com experience with the Dynamic Column Values app - an intuitive solution that allows you to automate and customize column value updates effortlessly, no coding or technical expertise required.

Kickstart your journey in 3 easy steps

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Create a board integration

Create a Dynamic Column Values integration for one or more columns

Refine your instructions

Refine your automation instructions

Describe how you want to set your column values, using simple instructions

Automate your workflow

Automate your workflow

Unlock a vast array of automation scenarios beyond traditional formula capabilities, enabling you to handle complex and diverse tasks with ease.


Easy AI-powered automation for monday.com column values

Dynamic Column Values Overview

Surpass traditional formula-based automation

Dynamic Column Values surpasses the fixed capabilities of traditional formula-based solutions. It is extremely user-friendly, allowing you to configure powerful automations using simple, human instructions, instead of complex formula syntax.

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AI Powered Automations

AI-Powered Automations

Set up easy automation rules to modify or set column values tailored to your specific needs

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Limitless Automation Possibilities

Nearly Limitless Automation Possibilities

Unlock a vast array of automation scenarios beyond traditional formula capabilities, enabling you to handle complex and diverse tasks with ease.

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